LAB 1: Mobile Web Application 1 [Html, AVD, Wamp
Server, CSS]
Objective: To develop and display mobile web
pages on the Android emulator
Part 1 Setup of Wamp or XAMPP Server, HTML & CSS
#1 Install Wamp Server
WAMP Server (411 MB) for PHP and MySQL (database)
If Wamp Server does not work on your machine
use XAMPP server instead
use XAMPP server instead
Part 3: Create html and css files
Goto c:\wamp64\www
Create a sub folder called products, all html, PHP
pages are to be saved in this folder
Another subfolder, css and images are created to
store css files and
Image files respectively.
Let’s get started with creating a main.html page
(1) Download
smartfarm.jpg from the picture below:
(2) Save it in c:\wamp64\www\products\images
(3) Create a main.html page with a notepad
(3) Create a main.html page with a notepad
<html> <head> <!--Link to an External Style Sheet --> <style> </style> </head> <body> <h1> Smart Farming </h1> <div align="center"> <img src="images/smartfarm.jpg" width="30%" height="30%"><br> </div> </body> </html>
(4) Save main.html in c:\wamp64\www\products
(5) Start WampServer if you have not started it
(6) Goto Chrome Browser type localhost/products/main.html
(7) Find your IPAddress
Go Windows>start>cmd> Type ipconfig
(8) Goto Chrome Browser type YourIPAddress/products/main.html
If you are able to see the page above means you have
Installed Wamp server successfully and
You know where to place the files in the server (c:\wamp64\www\products)
And know how to access the files via the client (Chrome browser)
CSS (Cascading Style
is used to style and lay out web pages — for
example, to alter the font, colour, size and spacing of your content, split it
into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features.
We will be looking at:
- · External Style Sheet
- · Internal Style Sheet
- · styles to Individual Elements
1) Create a css file , named myStyle.css with the following codes and saved it in the css folder
li { display:inline-block; background:yellow; color:blue; margin-right:10px; }
2) Create a css file , named myStyle.css with the following codes and saved it in the css folder c:\wamp64\www\products\css
Edit main.html
Paste the following
inside the <div> tag
<ul> <li><a href="get_all_products.php"> List all products </a> </li> <li><a href="addProduct.php"> Add Product </a> </li> <li><a href="searchProduct.php"> Search Product </a> </li> </ul>
2) Linking main.html to external style sheet myStyle.css
Add this line inside the <head> Tag of main.html
<link href="css/myStyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
Type the following inside the <head> Tag of main.html
<style> .center { font-family: verdana; font-size: 30px; text-align: center; color: red; } </style>
Type the following in the <h1> tag to apply internal css on
<h1> tag
<h1 class ="center" > Smart Farming </h1>
4) Applying styles to Individual Elements on main.html
Type the following in the <body tag> to set the background color to green (RGB)
<body bgcolor="#00FF00"> <!--styles to Individual Elements-->
Part 2 Setup of Android Studio
Download the latest version
If your notebook pc encountered problem with the latest version,
you may like to try:
Android Studio 3.0.1
URL is:
Section 2: Android Studio
(Test out your Android Studio to see if you have installed correctly)
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