Lab2 Part4a: Host yout PHP files on Public Domain (Free Web Server,


LAB 1: Web Application 1  [Html and CSS]

Objective: To develop a web application
                To enhance mobile web pages using CSS

Step 2 : Create directory
Goto Dashboard>File Manager
Create a sub folder called products

 all html, PHP pages are to be saved in this folder
Step 3 : 
Create another subfolder called css
Click on Product> Create Directory> css

 all css file, images are to be saved in this folder

Let’s get started with creating a main.html page

     (1)  Upload smartfarm.jpg from the picture below to the css folder of your atspace server:
Right clicked >>Copy Image Address

((3) Create a main.html page 
        Click on Up Level button to go to product subfolder

            Click on Create> Create File> Type main.html

         Double click on main.html.
         Copy and paste the code below on main.html


<!--Link to an External Style Sheet -->



<h1> Smart Farming </h1>
<div align="center">
<img src="css/smartfarm.jpg" width="30%" height="30%"><br>


If you are able to see the page above means you have 
Written the html file correctly, and you know where to place the files in the web server .

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
is used to style and lay out web pages — for example, to alter the font, colour, size and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features.

We will be looking at:
  •  External Style Sheet
  •  Internal Style Sheet
  •  styles to Individual Elements 

Applying internal style sheet on main.html
Type the following inside the <head> Tag of main.html

.center {

    font-family: verdana;
    font-size: 30px;
    text-align: center;
    color: red;


Type the following in the <h1> tag to apply internal css on <h1> tag
  <h1 class ="center" > Smart Farming </h1>

Edit main.html
Paste the following inside the <div> tag

    <li><a href="get_all_products.php"> List all products </a>  </li>
    <li><a href="addProduct.php"> Add Product </a>  </li>
    <li><a href="searchProduct.php"> Search Product </a>  </li>

1) Create a css file , named myStyle.css with the following codes and saved it in the css folder  
li {

2) Create a css file , named myStyle.css with the following codes and saved it in the css folder

3) Linking main.html to external style sheet myStyle.css
Add this line inside the <head> Tag of main.html

<link href="css/myStyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>

 4) Applying styles to Individual Elements on main.html

Type the following in the <body tag> to set the background color to green (RGB)
<body bgcolor="#00FF00">   <!--styles to Individual Elements-->

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