Lab 6 Sqlite Part1

 Lab6 01 Layout

1.    Step 1: Launch Android Studio.  New Project

Fill the info as shown below :

Step 2: Select Phone and Tablet. Click Next ;
            Choose Empty Activity. Click Next
            Use default name as MainActivity. Click Finish

Step 3: Click on the activity_main.xml layout

Drag in a linearLayout (vertical) and click infer constraint

Create the followings:
1 linearLayout  (vertical)                 
1 TextView tvTitle
android:text="Telephone Directory"  
1 EditText    etName
android:hint="Enter name:"          

1 EditTextetTelNum
android:hint="Enter Tel Number"

1 linearLayout  (horizontal)       
2 Buttons btnInsert and  btnViewData
1 TextView tvStatus

Use proper naming convention (btn for Button, tv for TextView, et for EditText)

Test it out

 Lab6 01a Listener for Button

Step 4: Add a Sqlite Database in

Place the codes in the correct sections  Here are the partial codes:

Declare the following class variables
//#1 Declare Class variables

SQLiteDatabase db;
Button btnInsert;
EditText etName, etTel;
TextView tvStatus;

Inside the onCreate method
//#2 Binding Java to XML

tvStatus = (TextView) findViewById(;
btnInsert = (Button) findViewById(;
etName = (EditText) findViewById(;
etTel = (EditText) findViewById(;

After binding, add the listener for the 2 buttons.

Inside the onCreate method
//#3  ClickListener for btnInsert

  btnInsert.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

    public void onClick(View arg0) {




Repeat the above for the listener for btnViewData (remember to do binding else you will encounter NullPointer exception)

Test it out

Lab6 02Insert

Step 1: Add a new Java Class called SqlLiteHelper

Step 2: //Create a executeSQL method Within the SqlLiteHelper class

public class SqlLiteHelper  {

    //Create a method executeSQL for Insert, Delete , Update

    public String executeSQL(SQLiteDatabase db,String sql) {

        try {


        } catch (Exception e) {

            return ("Error updating DB");

        return ("DB updated");



Step 3: Edit

Declare the sqlh as class variable

 SqlLiteHelper  sqlh = new SqlLiteHelper(); //this create an object from SqlLiteHelper class

Add the following codes before //#2 Binding Java to XML

Inside the onCreate method

      //#1 Create Database file name TelDirectory.db and Table name TelDirList
         db = openOrCreateDatabase("TelDirectory.db", MODE_PRIVATE, null);

        String sqlStatement = "create table if not exists TelDirList (recId integer PRIMARY KEY autoincrement, Name text, Tel text)";
        sqlh.executeSQL(db, sqlStatement);

Inside the onClick method of btnInsert, add the following codes:

  tvStatus.setText(""); //clear the text on tvStatus
  String name = etName.getText().toString(); //get text from EditText etName
  String tel = etTel.getText().toString();//get text from EditText etTel
  String sqlStatement = "insert into TelDirList (Name ,Tel) values( '" + name + "','" + tel + "')";

  String result =   sqlh.executeSQL(db, sqlStatement); //execute the Insert SQL command
  tvStatus.setText(result); //show the status by using setText on tvStatus

Test it out

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